My friend
Nando had the whole weekend planned for us. I would fly in on Thursday from Denver and my older sister would fly in on Friday from Iowa. Here is our itinerary. (Little did I know I would refer to it several times a day!)
Thursday: Dec 15th
2:14 - 3pm Kiki (that's me!) arrives at apartment freshen up and get ready for the night
4pm ---??? Ogilvy's Party
Friday: Dec16th
8am--9:30am le pain quotidian
10-11am Kiki and German back to apt to meet Cris11:30 AM - Cris arrives in NYC aiport
11:30 - 12:30 Cris gets to apartment
1-2 (quick lunch)
2-3 train to Rockefeller Center
3:30 - 5pm- Rockefeller Center & walk down 5th Avenue (tree : photos) (I will meet you guys here)
5-8:00pm: happy hour celebration
8:30pm - dinner with Marie
10pm dancing!!
Sat: Dec 17th
9AM extra surprise for Cris & Kiki! (we leave the house)
10:30 - 12noon (lunch/get ready for the day) back at house
12:30 - train to the city (This is a must!!!) we cannot be LATE!
4:30-5:30pm (Photo shoot in city)
6-8pm (shopping)
8-9pm dinner & drinks
9-? Walking around taking it all in
Sun: Dec 18th
(exchange letter & favorite memory)
5-5:30AM Celebrate KIKI
5:30 - 6AM Celebrate CRIS
6-6:30AM Celebrate Nando
6:30-7AM- Celebrate German
Kiki leaves @ 6:30AM to be at airport by 8:30 AM
I can't tell you how much fun it was to get away from work and the daily routine. (Of course I missed Beli, but I also needed some ME time)
I didn't care about the little sleep I would get. I was going to New York!
my dear friend and very talented photographer, German. |
Irish Hunger Memorial Garden |
She is here!
Hey Sis! Get ready to laugh and celebrate.
Have a Feliz Navidad!
Photos taken by German..Isn't he talented? I really felt like a star!
And wait till I tell you about the surprises and the wonderful people we met! But that's another post of it's own. (don't want to overwhelm you) hehe..