Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sunday: a day for celebration

Having an interesting conversation with Abuelita. I think she is asking if she could have a sip of her kava but Baka Nada said, "ne, ne."

Beli's great-grandparents celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary this past Sunday. This bird sang in their honor. (Wonder what type of bird it was.)

Beli con Daddy, Abuelito Ljubo y Bisabuelito Uros. Four generations.
Beli's Bisabuelita Vida working on her garden. She is picking soybeans, the vegetable that's in season, along with green onions.
These are the jalapeno seeds hubby planted. I'm looking forward to having salsa everyday this summer. Poor chickens were running away from Beli.

She is trying to get their attention.

How would you like your potatoes, baked or fried?

These sweet cherries are just about ready.

But it will still be a few weeks for the figs to ripen.
Some of the produce we brought home with us from the garden in Bribir. What are some of your favorite veggies/ fruits to eat during the summer?


  1. what a bountiful harvest! I love homegrown tomatoes and berries. I really love all veggies/fruits, but those would have to be at the top of the list!

  2. so beautiful!! That property/home is just incredible. What a dream. Great post :) xo

  3. Jen, hubby's grandparents have a great garden and I can't wait for the tomatoes. I too love them.

  4. Jodi, I agree with you. Everytime we visit Bribir (grandparents home) I feel welcomed and brings back memories from my childhood.


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