Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday stroll around the palace

After breakfast we decided to go for a stroll around Park Bene but Beli didn't want to ride on the stroller and she didn't want to walk, she only wanted to be carried. If you have kids you know carrying a 28 month old toddler can get very tiring. So we switched directions and headed to the city center, more specifically the Diocletian Palace. We thought maybe there she would be more interested in her surroundings. Once we arrived she was quickly chasing pigeons through out the palace.

I was so intrigued by the texture of these doors that I didn't pay attention to the lock until hubby pointed out that the lock was upside down.

We ended our stroll with a lovely lunch in this restaurant.

More pictures of the restaurant tomorrow. How are you spending your weekend? If you live in the States, wishing you a happy Labor Day weekend!


  1. I don't remember Diocletian palace, I was so young when I strolled down there like your little princess. I remember the street Pusti me da prođem or Let me pass, which is so narrow that only one person can pass at a time. Beautiful piece of history.

  2. Oh my goodness, your daughter is gorgeous, and your sightseeing is making me jealous :) Thank you for the wonderful comment you left on my blog a little earlier. It's good to hear other SAHMs say "you won't always love it" and "you'll need alone time"-- I'm going to have to remember those tidbits of advice as the months go by!


  3. What have we done this weekend? We're not in USA and we're not celebrating Labor's Day, so... we worked:)) We always have unfinished work left for the weekend...
    Wish I was there too. Beautiful Split... I already miss it.

  4. Great photos. Makes central Illinois look very drab. Not doing anything special for Labor Day. Just taking it easy.

  5. Elisa, you are more then welcome to share. What are the recipes for and food if not for sharing.

  6. Jelena, I think I remember that street but it's so easy to let lost within the palace. thanks again for that yummy recipe!

  7. Elizabeth, You will cherish every moment you spend with your little one.and again welcome to the club!

  8. Alina, we're also not doing anything special, just another ordinary day for us!

    it's raining today!

  9. Holà Elisa,
    i think i should really visit Croatia some day!
    all looks so beautiful...
    muchas gracias for your comment and support. I so appreciate....

  10. While traveling in South America I would always take pictures of random, colorful, textured doors. They are so interesting! Looks like you had a lovely time


  11. First, your daughter is such a doll! I love all the photos you took. My favorite is the clothes towel drying.

    xo M

  12. I seriously cannot get over the cool places you are surrounded with. Honestly, I never really thought twice of Croatia, and now, I want to visit!


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